The BKS Show

B wants to build a Container home, K has hobbies within hobbies, and S was a Fencer in college?! The Boys Talk Hobbies and Passions ft. Robert Williams

Brandon Finnerty, Kevin Rawson, and Silvio Menna Season 3 Episode 5

Ramblin' Family!!

We are back with an episode that is all about our passions and hobbies! We open the show with a list of subjects that were suggested that we talk about and see if any of them stick and quite a few of them do! We then transition into talking about our hobbies and passions with one of our biggest fans of the show since the beginning, Rob! After we talk about what we have as hobbies we then ask each other what hobbies we'd like to take up!

As usual we ramble, we burp, we even say hi to Cristina when she comes through the door! Enjoy the show!

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