The BKS Show

B Gives Out Gifts so K gets a cameo from Shane Told, and S Gets Some Impressive Things for D&D... It's the 2022 Christmas Episode

Brandon Finnerty, Kevin Rawson, and Silvio Menna

Ramblin Family!!!

Yes we are totally backed up here! We skipped episode 4 because the audio was awful(blame the 3 year old SD card)! In this episode about a week away from Christmas and the New Year Brandon rolls into the pod bearing gifts for Kevin and Silvio! This episode is a bot of a tear jerker as B (with the help of his wife Mel) hit the absolute jackpot in gift giving! S is up first and gets some really cool things for his D&D campaign and K gets a Decanter full of Jim Beans Devil's Cut Whiskey as well as a Cameo form one of his heroes in Silvertine frontman Shane Told!

It's like 2 months later but wishing a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year is never too late!!!

We love you Ramblin' Family!!!  

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